Program description:
Public (popular) diplomacy is the art of influencing a specific audience, through the means that suit it. (Soft power). It is practiced by an entity/organization to achieve its goals, spread its values, and control the public’s mental image of it, with the aim of influencing their perceptions and directing them to support the strategic objectives of that entity.
It is described as a public, directed activity carried out by a governmental or popular entity in an effort to promote national interests, through many soft means, with broad and thoughtful media accompaniment.
The processes and applications of popular diplomacy depend on three basic foundations:
1- Credibility and persuasion: in presenting the values, visions and voice of the concerned party, in ways that are compatible with society and its culture.
2- Dialogue and good listening: These are two essential elements at the heart of the popular diplomatic process.
3- Integrated active participation by all components: This is a necessary requirement to support credibility and achieve interaction, such as the participation of the media, influencers, scholars, writers, artists, businessmen, specialized charitable and humanitarian organizations, as well as individuals.
Program Goals:
1. Providing participants with the skill of popular diplomacy in its various dimensions.
2. Explain the concept and nature of popular diplomacy and the history of its development.
3. Clarifying concepts related to popular diplomacy, such as “soft power,” “smart power,” influence, and mental image.
4. Identify realistic and applicable methods and tools for various situations in popular diplomacy.
5. Evaluate the impact of popular diplomacy programs.
6. Clarifying the relationship of popular diplomacy with related activities such as branding, propaganda, cultural relations, public relations, and lobbying.
7. Developing the management and implementation of charitable, relief, and awareness work programs, according to the methods and mechanisms of popular diplomacy.
Program axes:
The training program includes four separate tracks that can be applied together or separately. These tracks are:
First: Introduction to Public Diplomacy: (Interviewer attached).
Second: Popular action in a diplomatic manner.
Third: Charitable diplomacy.
Fourth: Emergency (disaster) relief diplomacy.
Target group:
• Young men and women interested in political science and international relations.
• Officials, celebrities and influencers around the world.
• Diplomats and governmental and private institutions in the field of public diplomacy, protocol, international etiquette, and the arts of public speaking and public speaking.
• Employees of charitable and relief organizations.
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